
Showing posts from January, 2019


Adversity everywhere. For me. For the person I love. Nothing but hardships, dead-ends and denials. I feel so crushed. I went to the doctor the other day, because I am really struggling with my mental health at the moment. I explained all of my issues. Told her how I wanted more help coping and I felt like I was losing my grip. In doing so, my anxiety was sparking so high, I had a full on panic attack. Did this medical professional do anything to help calm me down, or work through it? Apparently , this particular doctor interprets the Hippocratic oath as 'do no harm but give no fucks if someone is suffering.' I was struggling to express my difficulties with reconciling my past, how it is negatively impacting my behavoirs and thoughts. I got told - verbatim - "Everybody has a past. Focus on the present." Oh shit, why didn't I think of that?! When I said I couldn't stop the tirade of negativity and self doubt in my mind, she literally told me to "try